FU Research Cell

FU’s principal vision is to become a leading academic and research cell of excellence of international standard and thereby play a vital role in developing skilled human resources, creating new knowledge in catering to the needs and demands of the society thereby build up a knowledge-based and ICT centered Bangladesh.

The university encourages the establishment of a Research Cell that will enhance and facilitate disciplinary and interdisciplinary research collaboration, knowledge transfer and training. The university is committed to developing and maintaining programs for research and quality assurance. Therefore, the prime objective of the Cell is to ensure ongoing development through providing strategic direction in research and higher education quality enhancement.

Purpose of the Cell

The purposes of establishing Feni University Research Cell (FURC) are to:

a. Promote and facilitate collaborative and/or interdisciplinary research and enhancement of research networking capacity and infrastructure.

b. Provide education and training in research and related skills, for faculty members along with students and thereby enhance the academic programs of their respective departments. 

c. Increase and effectively manage the resources and research support for its members and the wider university community. 

d. Contribute to the university's strategic educational and research missions and to support synergies between research, teaching and learning. 

e. Transfer and mobilize knowledge gained through research for the benefit of the society, via a variety of mechanisms as appropriate. 


Functions of the Center

The functions of establishing Feni University Research Cell (FURC) are to:

a. Accelerate the researfch activities among the faculty members and officials. 

b. Review, approve and grant research proposal submitted by the faculty members and officials. 

c. Funding for research and higher education of the faculties and officials. 

d. Organize teachers training, and funding for external participation. 

e. Organize Seminars, Conferences and Workshops. 

f. Publish research Journal periodically, and Bi-Monthly research & quality assurance related newsletter. 

g. Manage sources of research fund from GoB, WB, IMF, ADB or from other funding organizations.  

h. Follow-up the progress of the research projects, registered at the Center, and to give recommendations to the Governing Body regarding the the cancellation of the non-progressive ones. 

i. Design and approve the annual plan for research and the corresponding budget. 

j. Prepare and present Annual resport of the Cell. 


Application form for Research Funding Proposal.