Office of the Proctor

Welcome to Feni University (FU) Campus completely free from Politics and Smoking.


The Proctor’s Office is the first contact point for any matter of discipline. Its role is to maintain administrative and academic harmony within the University. If there is any issue regarding personal safety and non-academic disputes we are here to help. We also take care of unauthorized access to the university premises, safeguard of the assets and compliance of the FU Code of Conduct.

Mission Statement of Proctor’s Office:


An environment of peace and civility is a pre-condition to the pursuit of higher education in a university. Proctor’s Office of FU is determined to maintain the environment free from indiscipline, disorder and violence.

No clubs or societies or students’ organizations other than recognized Clubs or Associations shall be allowed to be formed. No parties or entertainments shall be held within the premises of the University nor shall a student play a musical instrument or use a loudspeaker in the University premises during University hours without the previous permission of the Proctor. A breach of this rule will be treated as a breach of discipline.

No meetings of the students of the University other than the meetings organized by the University or by different Departments of the University or by the student's Clubs/ Associations recognized by the University shall be held in any part of the University without the previous permission of the Proctor. No demonstration shall be organized within any part of the University.

The Proctor is directly responsible to the Hon’ble Vice-chancellor. He is responsible for the discipline and conduct of students within the University campus. 

The Proctor’s role is to ensure the enforcement of the rules and regulations of the university for the students.


Specific areas:

-To take such steps as he thinks necessary for the purpose of ensuring disciplined behavior and good conduct on the part of every      student  within the University Campus;

- To take necessary steps to ensure the safety of the students.

- To assist in solving non-academic disputes among the students. 

- To control unauthorized access to the university premises; and

- To take suitable action against any student who willfully damages, disfigures or destroys University properties;

- To ensure that the FU Code of Conduct and Disciplinary Procedures are properly followed.

The Proctor’s Office assesses and investigates complaints, and takes necessary steps to solve any dispute.

If it fails to resolve any dispute, depending on the gravity of the offenses and as per the advice of the Hon’ble Vice-Chancellor the case will be forwarded to the FU Disciplinary Committee. In an emergency, the Proctor can seek help of any employee of the University in the discharge of his duties in the University or outside.

In an emergency, the Proctor can seek the help of any employee of the University in the discharge of his duties in the University or outside, at all hours and it shall be the duty of the employee or employees concerned to give him every reasonable assistance.   

It will make a constructive coordination in the discharge of its functions with the Students’ Advisor Office and the Chairmen of different departments.



Md. Ayatullah

Assistant Professor (Law), Proctor

Feni University 



Mobile: +8801674040567